Apply on dry hair. Wrap a clean towel around shoulders and neck.If you have long hair detangle dry hair with comb or brush and separate hair into 4 equal section and secure each section of hair with a clip.
If you have short hair detangle dry hair with comb or brush and be sure you could reach the scalp when applying Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Spray Lotion. For effectiveness all lice and nits/eggs must come in contact with Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Spray Lotion. Start applying from the back of the neck and behind the ears.
If you have long hair release one section of dry hair from clip and part hair every inch and apply Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Spray Lotion directly to the scalp. Massage into hair, from the scalp to the end of hair, making sure that all hair and scalp is completely wetted with lotion and thoroughly saturated. After section is fully saturated, comb hair from the scalp towards the end of the hair to distribute Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Spray Lotion. Secure the saturated section of the hair back in clip. Repeat process until all section of hair have been treated.If you have short hair part your hair to ensure you could apply Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Spray Lotion directly to the scalp. After applying different parts of the scalp massage lotion into hair, from the scalp to the end of hair, making sure that all parts of hair and scalp is completely wetted with lotion and thoroughly saturated.
Waìt 15 mìnutes.Use 30 mL of Nìtty-Bìtty Antì-Head Lìce Spray Lotìon per ìndìvìdual beìng treated dependìng of the length and thìckness of the haìr, (that ìs roughly equal to one thìrd of the bottle). You may need more or less than the stated amount per applìcatìon to ensure complete saturatìon. Head lìce and nìts contacted by Nìtty-Bìtty Antì-Head Lìce Spray Lotìon wìll be dead when used as dìrected. Even when nìts are dead, they may not fall out of the haìr, to fully remove all dead lìce and nìts, you should comb the haìr wìth fìne lìce comb whìle ìt ìs wet.After completìon of 15 mìnutes waìt tìme, rìnse haìr wìth warm water, keep massagìng the haìr and the scalp whìle rìnsìng.
Once combìng ìs completed, rìnse the haìr and scalp wìth warm water and pat dry wìth a clean towel. If necessary a second treatment wìth Nìtty-Bìtty Antì-Head Lìce Spray Lotìon and combìng can be done after 10 days followìng the fìrst treatment to kìll any newly hatched lìce. Read all thìs leaffet carefully before you start usìng thìs product. Keep thìs leaffet, you may need to read ìt agaìn. If you have any further questìons please ask your doctor or pharmacìst
Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Shampoo should be applied to dry hair. Before applying Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Shampoo on dry hair detangle hair with a brush.
Shake well before use. For effectiveness all lice and nits/eggs must come in contact with Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Shampoo. Start applying from the back of the neck and behind the ears.Apply enough shampoo evenly over all hair and scalp.Massage it in well from roots to tips until hair is completely wetted, paying particular attention to the neck and the area behind the ears. The amount of shampoo that is needed to use depends on the thickness and length of the hair.
If you have long hair separate hair into sections and part hair every inch and apply Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Shampoo directly to the scalp.Massage shampoo into hair, from the scalp to the end of hair, making sure that all hair and scalp is completely wetted with shampoo and thoroughly saturated. After section is fully saturated, comb hair from the scalp towards the end of the hair to distribute Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Shampoo. Repeat If you have short hair part your hair to ensure you process until all section of hair have been treated.
If you have long hair separate hair into sections and part hair every inch and apply Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Shampoo directly to the scalp.Massage shampoo into hair, from the scalp to the end of hair, making sure that all hair and scalp is completely wetted with shampoo and thoroughly saturated. After section is fully saturated, comb hair from the scalp towards the end of the hair to distribute Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Shampoo. Repeat If you have short hair part your hair to ensure you process until all section of hair have been treated.
Nits contacted by Nitty-Bitty Anti-Head Lice Shampoo will be dead when used as directed. Even when nits are dead, they may not fall out of the hair, to fully remove all dead lice and nits, you should comb the hair with fine lice comb while it is wet. After completion of 15 minutes wait time, rinse hair with warm water, keep massaging the hair and the scalp while rinsing. Once it is rinsed thoroughly start combing hair with fine lice comb. Place fine lice comb at the scalp, pull comb from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Comp hair section by section, pulling small amount of hair in your fingers. Using a clean paper towel or facial tissue, wipe lice, eggs and nits from lice comb after each passing. Repeat until all sections of hair have been combed.